Spine Surgery Knowledge Packages

Knowledge Packages are bundles of Spine Surgery Lectures, focused on a topic within a Specialist Certificate area, such as Spine Trauma or Adult Spine Deformity. They contain 3-5 spine surgery lectures, and offer better value than buying the Lectures separately.

You can combine Knowledge Packages to work towards Spine Surgery qualifications – such as Specialist Certificates and the Spine Surgery Diploma – in affordable chunks. Each Specialist Certificate is formed of 3-6 Knowledge Packages. If you complete all Knowledge Packages within a Certificate, you just need to complete the Exam and Tutorial to be awarded the Certificate.

Knowledge Packages Currently Available

Please Note: Spine Surgery Knowledge Package purchases only include view and download access to the compulsory reference material. Full view and download access to all reference material is only available in our Specialist Certificates, Modules and Diploma.

About eccElearning

eccElearning provides the most direct route to qualification in Spine Surgery. We provide different levels of spine surgery courses in our Spine Surgery Education Programme – from individual Spine Surgery Lectures, Knowledge Packages and Specialist Certificates to our full Diploma in Spine Surgery.

The Spine Surgery Education Programme forms the Diploma in Spine Surgery. The Diploma is made from 9 Specialist Certificates. Each Specialist Certificate is formed from 3-6 Knowledge Packages. Each Knowledge Packages contains 3-5 Lectures. In total, the Spine Surgery Education Programme contains 180 spine surgery lectures. Each Lecture is individually purchasable. All Lectures are endorsed by the European Spine Journal and accredited by the EACCME.