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healthbook & eccElearning

A strategic partnership aimed at improving online spine surgery training opportunities throughout the world.

About healthbook is an independent healthcare organization that offers CME-accredited education for physicians and healthcare professionals with a strong focus on evidence-based medicine.

CME-accredited webinars is a distributor of evidence-based medical education by means of CME-accredited webinars involving key opinion leaders expanding on the latest advances of their respective fields.

Open-access journals

healthbook also publishes various medical journals, including the healthbook TIMES Oncology Hematology, a young, open-access, peer-reviewed, and indexed journal primarily for oncologists and hematologists.

e-Learnings and Congress Newsrooms provides CME-accredited e-learnings and, as scientific journalists, deliver the most relevant and up-to-date information from international conferences within hours of data being released in the form of newsrooms.

Register for free to get full access

To comprehensively provide medical education and information for healthcare professionals, is a secured platform where registration is required to gain full access. However, registration is currently free and only takes a couple of minutes to complete.

Further information

healthbook is an independent healthcare organization that offers CME-accredited education in various forms for physicians and healthcare professionals across all medical disciplines.

Spine Surgery Education Programme Diploma

Diploma in Spine Surgery

The eccElearning Diploma in Spine Surgery is an online Masters-level education programme. It enables surgeons and fellows to learn the gold standard of spine surgery wherever they are in the world.